Friday, January 27, 2023

Apparently You Can Do The Dishes Without Scrubbing Them - DenGarden

You come home late on a Sunday night from running errands all weekend and the sink is full of dirty dishes that have food cooked and dried onto them, the last few hours of the weekend are creeping up and the work/school week is about to begin. This is a worst nightmare sort of situation, all you want to do is melt onto the couch binging the newest season of LIB on Netflix. But now you have to spend the remaining few hours of your stressful day scrubbing dishes that seem impossible to wash.
Before this scenario gets out of hand and gives you anxiety just reading it, know @creative_explained has a dishes hack that will take care of those forgotten about stock piled dishes waiting to eat up your last two hours of your remaining weekend night 
Well this video just gave us life… you mean we can actually let the dishes sit a day to go do something fun and come back to a quick spray spray clean clean? Count us in!
To make his magical self cleaning dish bath the man first closes the sink drain, puts the dishes in the sink trough and sprinkles baking soda all over them. Then he adds two cups of white vinegar and one cup of hydrogen peroxide, tosses in a few slices of lemon and fills the sink with water. He lets the dishes soak for 15 minutes and then pulls them out, rinses them, and sets them on the dish towel to dry. 
Now if this grosses you out a bit you could always drain the water and fill it back up with hot soapy water then drain and rinse the dishes, which will still be way faster than trying to hand scrub them.
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