Showing posts with label LawnMaintenance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LawnMaintenance. Show all posts

Saturday, August 5, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to Get Started With Garden Care

[ad_1] Many people have not yet discovered the joys of garden care. They may not realize the value of plants, flowers, shrubs, trees, and other landscaping elements that give a home its beauty and charm. However, these elements will pay off in time and money. It may sound strange, but the quality of water that a homeowner uses can have a profound effect on the health of his or her plants. The water temperature, too, can be a contributing factor. Hot water can burn plants, which can lead to death. On the other hand, cold water is great for watering plants. The temperature is less than it is in a refrigerator, so plants do not freeze. Agarden pond needs to be maintained in order to provide a habitat for fish and other wildlife. Likewise, the layout of a garden may depend on how it will be used. If it is a wind-swept area, for example, then some designing may be necessary. Another important element in the maintenance of a garden is the use of mulch. This keeps a gardener's plants from getting soggy and prevents them from being affected by frost. It also prevents weeds from growing and can reduce or eliminate a garden's need for fertilizers. Garden mulch is available in a variety of types and textures. It comes in strips, stones, gravel, pebbles, and even seeds. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of mulch, a gardener chooses depends on the type of soil he or she has, as well as on the kinds of plants that will grow there. For instance, if the soil is sandy or rocky, a smooth rock would be more appropriate than gravel. If it is not, a smoother type of mulch would be preferable. Like all garden care, garden mulch maintenance is simple and inexpensive. Not only does the material itself need little upkeep, but mulch is also reusable. People who collect the mulch often put it in their flower beds and in their front yard. Because plants and flowers require such a good deal of water, gardeners must be mindful of their water use when deciding what kind of mulch to use. Leaf mulch, for example, is suitable for use with perennials and other plants that do not require constant water. It can help to save space in flowerbeds and other areas where plants are grown. Solid mulch is especially useful for people who have lawns and gardens with large areas of water that need more than sprinkler head time to dry out. This type of mulch works well for homeowners who have lawns and a variety of plants in the garden. The continuous spray of water keeps the area drier for longer periods. [ad_2] Source by Dan Licamara

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Lawn Mower Service


Reasons you should complete your lawn mower service

The maintenance on lawn mowers, especially push mowers is very simple. The average home DIY type person can easily handle their own lawn mower service. With a few simple tools, and a little bit of elbow grease, you to can handle the upkeep on your mower. The first place to look would be your owner's manual. If you don't have one, you should contact the manufacturer of your mower. This will list all the service intervals of various items on your mower.

There are many reasons to maintain your mower.

Longevity - You wouldn't drive your car without changing the oil would you? Then why would you neglect your lawn mower? When you keep up on the maintenance on your lawn mower, you lower the overall cost of ownership. Your mower will last you many years if properly taken care of.

Quality - When your mower is completely serviced, it will perform at its peak. This means engine running in top shape, and also your blade(s) are sharp and balanced. The end result is a mower that will start reliably, cut clean, and always be ready when you are.

Common Tasks during a lawn mower service

Basic maintenance goes a long way, and is simple. Most jobs can be completed at the end of the cutting season before winter storage, or can be completed right before season begins. These common items include the following.

Air Filter


Spark Plug

Sharpen and/or replace blades

Cleaning under the deck

Air Filter

Typical lawn mower air filter.

As cheap as they are, air filters should just be done once a year. Most lawn mowers have easy access to the air filter housing. Either unlock a couple tabs, or loosen a couple screws. Air filters for lawn mowers are usually the soft foam type, or paper type. If you allow your mowers air filter to become clogged, it will lose power and not burn the fuel completely. See you owners manual for the correct filter.


Oil catch pan

At least once per year you should change your engine oil on your lawn mower. This will usually require you to tip your lawn mower up on its side, and drain through the fill port as most don't have drain plugs. Many lawn mowers will run SAE 30, but there should be a chart comparing your climate temperature to recommended oil use. Simply unscrew the fill plug, tip the mower on its side and drain all the oil into an approved container. When your container is full you can bring it to a local garage or recycling center for disposal.

Oil Chart

Oil chart for recommended oil weight for climate. Consult owners manual for your specific engine.

The type of oil you use will change some, depending on your local climate. Most all manufacturers have a chart in the owner's manual showing temperature ranges.

Spark Plug

All small push lawn mowers have a single spark plug. The job of the spark plug is to ignite the gasoline to supply power to turn the blade. Overtime this spark plug may become dirty, or fouled. When this occurs your mower will either not start, or will run rough and not perform well. To change a spark plug you will need a spark plug socket. Spark plug sockets have a special rubber insert inside them to protect the ceramic of the spark plug, and also grip and hold it in place.

Once your spark plug is removed you will see what model number it is, by looking on the side of the ceramic. You should be able to see a number, usually in blue colored writing. This will tell which spark plug to replace. Install the new plug, and snug down.

Lawn Mower Blade

When the lawn mower blade is sharp, it will make for a cleaner cut obviously. But this also helps the grass grow better by actually cutting it and not ripping it. When you look at a blade of grass on the tip you should see a nice, clean cut. If its ragged and torn, it means you need to sharpen your blade.

Having a sharp blade also requires less work on the engine. This over the long term will result in longer engine life, as it is not loaded all the time.

Sharpening your blades at home is something a DIY person can do. At the minimum it requires a file, and would make it much easier with a vise to hold it securely while you will work.

Another option is also a grinder, which is much faster, but not everyone has a grinder at their home.

Newer styles of sharpening are using a blade sharpener. These work much like a knife sharpener found in your kitchen, but scaled larger for lawn mower blades.

Sharpening is pretty straight forward. But first we must remove the blade.

Removing a lawn mower blade

Securely raise the mower, so you can access the underside where the blade is located. If you do tip it on the side, drain as much of the gas as possible, and also put the muffler of the engine pointing up. This will keep the oil from running into the muffler, and causing quite the smoke show on startup.

Remove spark plug wire just as a precaution to accidental startup.

Using your blade holder, secure the blade from rotating. This tool is a life saver compared to using a block of wood.

Using a breaker bar and correct size socket, loosen center retaining bolt.

Remove blade.

This is also a good time to remove any grass buildup from under your deck.

Sharpening and Balancing

Now that you have your blade removed, its time to sharpen. Now considering you haven't hit any rocks or other solid objects you shouldn't have any major chips in the blade. If you do, just buy a new set of blades and install.

Hold your blade either securely in a vise, or you could hold by hand. It's important to wear gloves! This will keep your fingers intact. Using a blade sharpener, run from center to tip until a nice sharp edge is formed. Repeat on the other side.

Now we must make sure your blade is balanced. Using a blade balancer, set your blade on it and make sure it is setting level. If one side seems to dip more than the other, take more material off.

The purpose of balancing is to reduce vibration. It's the same concept as balancing your car tires.

When complete install blade back on your lawn mower. Installation is reverse of removal.

Final thoughts on lawn mower service

Doing your own lawn mower service is something just about anyone can do. This is a job that you should complete once a year, and is fairly low cost. Once you purchase all the tools you need, maintenance on your mower will cost next to nothing.

Completing your own lawn mower service is rewarding as you know the job will be done right. It will also save you money over and over again.

Enjoy your lawn mower service, and Happy Cutting!


Source by Zachary Marlow

Lawn Mowers

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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Grass Colors and What They Mean


Everyone knows that grass is green, but did you know that your lawn can change its color slightly throughout the year? The color of grass depends on the environmental conditions - how much sun and rain it gets and what the soil is like. Most subtle color changes are harmless, but if your lawn seems to be changing color drastically it could be a sign of an underlying problem. Below are some colors your grass may go, and what they all mean.

Dark Green

Dark green grass is a sign that it's producing lots of chlorophyll - this is a sign of a healthy plant. It's got enough nutrition to produce chlorophyll and thrive. Your grass may turn a darker green during the spring and summer when it has lots of sun, especially if you've fertilized during the spring. Make sure your lawn has enough water and you should have a lush green garden all summer long.


Yellowish grass isn't producing much chlorophyll because it isn't getting enough of the right nutrients from the soil. You may need to use a fertilizer to get the green color back. The best time to fertilize is during the spring and autumn, as this gives the grass time to take on nutrients before its main growing and 'sleeping' phases. If the fertilizer doesn't work your grass may have a disease.


A red tinge to your grass could mean several things. Sometimes it's just a sign that the grass isn't producing a lot of chlorophyll. If your grass turns red during autumn and winter, wait for the warm weather to come round again because this might cure the problem. Some grasses, like Ryegrass, have a natural reddish hue so check what species your plant is. Red can also be a sign that the plant is under stress - this could be because of environmental conditions, or it could be because of disease.


Orange color is normally produced by fungi that live on the grass plant. Rust disease for example leaves orange-colored spores that come off if you rub the grass between your fingers. They're harmful and can kill the grass, but they usually don't kill the whole thing off. If you do have rust disease you'll need to treat your lawn to minimize damage.

Tan color

By the time your grass goes tan it's most certainly dead. Tan grass has been scorched and dried out in the sun, shriveled due to lack of water, or mown too harshly and succumbed to damage. If you've looked after your lawn and it's still dead it's probably been a victim of disease.

You should always try to make sure your grass has a healthy growing environment, as this may halt or reverse the color-changes you see. Make sure your lawn gets enough water and nutrients and ensure that you mow correctly. A stressed lawn is prone to weaknesses and this is when negative (although reversible) changes can occur. If nothing works then you should assume your lawn has a disease and look into that instead.


Source by Sylvia Kittens

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Importance of Regular Home Improvement

[ad_1] Home improvement, by definition, is making changes to one's home by making improvements on the house's looks. Home improvement is usually done by professional contractors, handymen, and even the house owner himself. Home improvement is important because real estate's value appreciates more if a property is well-maintained. Home improvement is seen by many as unnecessary cost. However, losing value of a real estate is usually caused by neglect in a property's maintenance. Therefore, in the long run, regular maintenance is crucial for the property's value to appreciate. Regular home improvement jobs and renovations will surely make your current living conditions more favorable. People do not easily notice that some areas of the house need improvement. In the long run, regular maintenance will reduce the serious structural damages to your property. It is also important to note that there are different maintenance schedules for different areas of your house. For instance, plumbing should be checked monthly. Ovens, heating systems, smoke detectors, and the like should also be checked monthly to prevent unfortunate disasters. The garden area should be maintained regularly and should undergo rigorous maintenance every four months. This is to prevent insects and termites infestation which can cause significant damage in infrastructure. The landscape of a house should also be in good appearance to help preserve your property's value. Refrigerators should be checked every three to four months. Check for faulty or loose wiring and avoid energy overload. The roof, on the other hand, should be checked at least every six months. Check for shingles and leaks and take care of them right away. Watch out for blocked gutters as this can lead rainwater to go inside your house. If your house is made mainly of wood, have a regular termite exterminator team visit your house. Aside from these standard areas in the house that need improvement, remodeling or renovating is also a good idea. It can also add value to real estate. Remodeling can be as simple as changing the paint color in your living room or laying a different color of carpet in your bedroom. Something this simple can make significant changes in your house's ambience. Renovating can be as major as tearing down the common wall of two rooms to make them one big room. Tearing down walls creates a bigger space which can be used for many purposes. Additional extensions can also be done. Additional space that can be used as garage space is useful. Home improvement tasks that require massive construction should be done by professional contractors. Make a list on what you want changed inside your homes and consult with a team of contractors. This way, you will have an idea on the costs that will be incurred as well as the extent of the repairs and improvements you can do. Home improvement is important because essentially, it is considered taking care of your home. Aside from the additional value it gives your property, preventive maintenance and remodeling is always good to decrease future damages in your property. [ad_2] Source by Jaxson Smith