Old songs now represent 70 percent of the U.S. music market. Even worse: The new-music market is actually shrinking.
About the author: Ted Gioia writes the music and popular-culture newsletter The Honest Broker on Substack. He is also the author of 11 books, including, most recently, Music: A Subversive History.
Updated at 5:20 p.m. ET on January 31, 2022.
Old songs now represent 70 percent of the U.S. music market, according to the latest numbers from MRC Data, a music-analytics firm. Those who make a living from new music—especially that endangered species known as the working musician—should look at these figures with fear and trembling. But the news gets worse: The new-music market is actually shrinking. All the growth in the market is coming from old songs.
The 200 most popular new tracks now regularly account for less than 5 percent of total streams. That rate was twice as high just three years ago. The mix of songs actually purchased by consumers is even more tilted toward older music. The current list of most-downloaded tracks on iTunes is filled with the names of bands from the previous century, such as Creedence Clearwater Revival and The Police.
I encountered this phenomenon myself recently at a retail store, where the youngster at the cash register was singing along with Sting on “Message in a Bottle” (a hit from 1979) as it blasted on the radio. A few days earlier, I had a similar experience at a local diner, where the entire staff was under 30 but every song was more than 40 years old. I asked my server: “Why are you playing this old music?” She looked at me in surprise before answering: “Oh, I like these songs.”
Never before in history have new tracks attained hit status while generating so little cultural impact. In fact, the audience seems to be embracing the hits of decades past instead. Success was always short-lived in the music business, but now even new songs that become bona fide hits can pass unnoticed by much of the population.
Only songs released in the past 18 months get classified as “new” in the MRC database, so people could conceivably be listening to a lot of two-year-old songs, rather than 60-year-old ones. But I doubt these old playlists consist of songs from the year before last. Even if they did, that fact would still represent a repudiation of the pop-culture industry, which is almost entirely focused on what’s happening right now.
Every week I hear from hundreds of publicists, record labels, band managers, and other professionals who want to hype the newest new thing. Their livelihoods depend on it. The entire business model of the music industry is built on promoting new songs. As a music writer, I’m expected to do the same, as are radio stations, retailers, DJs, nightclub owners, editors, playlist curators, and everyone else with skin in the game. Yet all the evidence indicates that few listeners are paying attention.
Consider the recent reaction when the Grammy Awards were postponed. Perhaps I should say the lack of reaction, because the cultural response was little more than a yawn. I follow thousands of music professionals on social media, and I didn’t encounter a single expression of annoyance or regret that the biggest annual event in new music had been put on hold. That’s ominous.
Can you imagine how angry fans would be if the Super Bowl or NBA Finals were delayed? People would riot in the streets. But the Grammy Awards go missing in action, and hardly anyone notices.
The declining TV audience for the Grammy show underscores this shift. In 2021, viewership for the ceremony collapsed 53 percent from the previous year—from 18.7 million to 8.8 million. It was the least-watched Grammy broadcast of all time. Even the core audience for new music couldn’t be bothered—about 98 percent of people ages 18 to 49 had something better to do than watch the biggest music celebration of the year.
A decade ago, 40 million people watched the Grammy Awards. That’s a meaningful audience, but now the devoted fans of this event are starting to resemble a tiny subculture. More people pay attention to streams of video games on Twitch (which now gets 30 million daily visitors) or the latest reality-TV show. In fact, musicians would probably do better getting placement in Fortnite than signing a record deal in 2022. At least they would have access to a growing demographic.
Some would like to believe that this trend is just a short-term blip, perhaps caused by the pandemic. When clubs open up again, and DJs start spinning new records at parties, the world will return to normal, or so we’re told. The hottest songs will again be the newest songs. I’m not so optimistic.
Read: Why aren’t there more women working in audio?
A series of unfortunate events are conspiring to marginalize new music. The pandemic is one of these ugly facts, but hardly the only contributor to the growing crisis.
Consider these other trends:
As record labels lose interest in new music, emerging performers desperately search for other ways to get exposure. They hope to place their self-produced tracks on a curated streaming playlist, or license their songs for use in advertising or the closing credits of a TV show. Those options might generate some royalty income, but they do little to build name recognition. You might hear a cool song on a TV commercial, but do you even know the name of the artist? You love your workout playlist at the health club, but how many song titles and band names do you remember? You stream a Spotify new-music playlist in the background while you work, but did you bother to learn who’s singing the songs?
Decades ago, the composer Erik Satie announced the arrival of “furniture music,” a kind of song that would blend seamlessly into the background of our lives. His vision seems closer to reality than ever.
Some people—especially Baby Boomers—tell me that this decline in the popularity of new music is simply the result of lousy new songs. Music used to be better, or so they say. The old songs had better melodies, more interesting harmonies, and demonstrated genuine musicianship, not just software loops, Auto-Tuned vocals, and regurgitated samples.
There will never be another Sondheim, they tell me. Or Joni Mitchell. Or Bob Dylan. Or Cole Porter. Or Brian Wilson. I almost expect these doomsayers to break out in a stirring rendition of “Old Time Rock and Roll,” much like Tom Cruise in his underpants.
Just take those old records off the shelf
I’ll sit and listen to ’em by myself …
I can understand the frustrations of music lovers who get no satisfaction from current mainstream songs, though they try and they try. I also lament the lack of imagination on many modern hits. But I disagree with my Boomer friends’ larger verdict. I listen to two to three hours of new music every day, and I know that plenty of exceptional young musicians are out there trying to make it. They exist. But the music industry has lost its ability to discover and nurture their talents.
Music-industry bigwigs have plenty of excuses for their inability to discover and adequately promote great new artists. The fear of copyright lawsuits has made many in the industry deathly afraid of listening to unsolicited demo recordings. If you hear a demo today, you might get sued for stealing its melody—or maybe just its rhythmic groove—five years from now. Try mailing a demo to a label or producer, and watch it return unopened.
The people whose livelihood depends on discovering new musical talent face legal risks if they take their job seriously. That’s only one of the deleterious results of the music industry’s overreliance on lawyers and litigation, a hard-ass approach they once hoped would cure all their problems, but now does more harm than good. Everybody suffers in this litigious environment except for the partners at the entertainment-law firms, who enjoy the abundant fruits of all these lawsuits and legal threats.
The problem goes deeper than just copyright concerns. The people running the music industry have lost confidence in new music. They won’t admit it publicly—that would be like the priests of Jupiter and Apollo in ancient Rome admitting that their gods are dead. Even if they know it’s true, their job titles won’t allow such a humble and abject confession. Yet that is exactly what’s happening. The moguls have lost their faith in the redemptive and life-changing power of new music. How sad is that? Of course, the decision makers need to pretend that they still believe in the future of their business, and want to discover the next revolutionary talent. But that’s not what they really think. Their actions speak much louder than their empty words.
In fact, nothing is less interesting to music executives than a completely radical new kind of music. Who can blame them for feeling this way? The radio stations will play only songs that fit the dominant formulas, which haven’t changed much in decades. The algorithms curating so much of our new music are even worse. Music algorithms are designed to be feedback loops, ensuring that the promoted new songs are virtually identical to your favorite old songs. Anything that genuinely breaks the mold is excluded from consideration almost as a rule. That’s actually how the current system has been designed to work.
Even the music genres famous for shaking up the world—rock or jazz or hip-hop—face this same deadening industry mindset. I love jazz, but many of the radio stations focused on that genre play songs that sound almost the same as what they featured 10 or 20 years ago. In many instances, they actually are the same songs.
Read: BTS’s ‘Dynamite’ could upend the music industry
This state of affairs is not inevitable. A lot of musicians around the world—especially in Los Angeles and London—are conducting a bold dialogue between jazz and other contemporary styles. They are even bringing jazz back as dance music. But the songs they release sound dangerously different from older jazz, and are thus excluded from many radio stations for that same reason. The very boldness with which they embrace the future becomes the reason they get rejected by the gatekeepers.
A country record needs to sound a certain way to get played on most country radio stations or playlists, and the sound those DJs and algorithms are looking for dates back to the prior century. And don’t even get me started on the classical-music industry, which works hard to avoid showcasing the creativity of the current generation. We are living in an amazing era of classical composition, with one tiny problem: The institutions controlling the genre don’t want you to hear it.
The problem isn’t a lack of good new music. It’s an institutional failure to discover and nurture it.
I learned the danger of excessive caution long ago, when I consulted for huge Fortune 500 companies. The single biggest problem I encountered—shared by virtually every large company I analyzed—was investing too much of their time and money into defending old ways of doing business, rather than building new ones. We even had a proprietary tool for quantifying this misallocation of resources that spelled out the mistakes in precise dollars and cents.
Senior management hated hearing this, and always insisted that defending the old business units was their safest bet. After I encountered this embedded mindset again and again and saw its consequences, I reached the painful conclusion that the safest path is usually the most dangerous. If you pursue a strategy—whether in business or your personal life—that avoids all risk, you might flourish in the short run, but you flounder over the long term. That’s what is now happening in the music business.
Even so, I refuse to accept that we are in some grim endgame, witnessing the death throes of new music. And I say that because I know how much people crave something that sounds fresh and exciting and different. If they don’t find it from a major record label or algorithm-driven playlist, they will find it somewhere else. Songs can go viral nowadays without the entertainment industry even noticing until it has already happened. That will be how this story ends: not with the marginalization of new music, but with something radical emerging from an unexpected place.
The apparent dead ends of the past were circumvented the same way. Music-company execs in 1955 had no idea that rock and roll would soon sweep away everything in its path. When Elvis took over the culture—coming from the poorest state in America, lowly Mississippi—they were more shocked than anybody. It happened again the following decade, with the arrival of the British Invasion from lowly Liverpool (again, a working-class place, unnoticed by the entertainment industry). And it happened again when hip-hop, a true grassroots movement that didn’t give a damn how the close-minded CEOs of Sony or Universal viewed the marketplace, emerged from the Bronx and South Central and other impoverished neighborhoods.
If we had the time, I would tell you more about how the same thing has always happened. The troubadours of the 11th century, Sappho, the lyric singers of ancient Greece, and the artisan performers of the Middle Kingdom in ancient Egypt transformed their own cultures in a similar way. Musical revolutions come from the bottom up, not the top down. The CEOs are the last to know. That’s what gives me solace. New music always arises in the least expected place, and when the power brokers aren’t even paying attention. It will happen again. It certainly needs to. The decision makers controlling our music institutions have lost the thread. We’re lucky that the music is too powerful for them to kill.
Due to an editing error, this article originally stated that Erik Satie had "warned" of the arrival of "furniture music." Satie didn't oppose the idea of furniture music; he was simply announcing its arrival.
This story was adapted from a post on Ted Gioia’s Substack, The Honest Broker. When you buy a book using a link on this page, we receive a commission. Thank you for supporting The Atlantic.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Hold off on fertilizing and pruning during drought - Houston Chronicle
Harris County Master Gardeners will present an online lecture on fall vegetable gardening this month.
Q: A friend thinks she should fertilize shrubs now to help them out in the drought and heat conditions. Is this advised?
A: Do not fertilize shrubs or trees right now. It will do more harm than good.
Fertilizers are soluble salt compounds that are used to improve plant growth or fix a nutrient deficiency by adding one or more essential nutrients to the soil. However, plants need water to dissolve these nutrients before they can take them up. Without water, fertilizer salts build up in the soil and can lead to burned roots and/or leaves. This will only add another layer of stress.
During normal precipitation times, fertilizer should not be applied to mature shrubs and trees, unless a soil test states there is a deficiency.
If drought stress is observed, give supplemental water — but not the type of watering where you stand there and spray your hose at it for a couple of minutes until you get bored. If you do not have drip irrigation, provide a slower, deeper watering with a trickling hose lying under the shrub for 10-20 minutes. If the water runs off right away, the water stream is too high.
The only exceptions to this fertilizer advice are annuals and perennials that get adequate water from drip irrigation or watering by hand.
Reduce weeds, since they are competing for water, and avoid applying herbicides and pesticides.
Q: I read that I should not prune trees during the drought. What if there are issues that need to be addressed for hurricane season? I’ve consulted with an arborist to prune this month.
A: Courtney Blevins, Texas A&M Forest Service Urban Forester, says: “What you’re trying to do is reduce stress to the tree, so pruning, even when you have to, is adding stress because you are wounding the tree. If you’re pruning out live branches or live leaf areas of the tree, you’re removing food and the site where the tree’s root growth hormone is developed, affecting root growth and further stressing the tree at a time where it’s already too stressed.”
The exception is if the limbs and branches in question are dead or a hazard, then do what you must.
Since you have consulted with an arborist, they will be aware of the risks. It could be a two-phase pruning where the bare minimum is removed now and more removed later in the year, when rain and cooler temperatures return. If drought conditions persist, monitor the pruned tree and add supplemental water.
Garden calendar
OPEN GARDEN DAY: Harris County Master Gardeners host Open Garden Day the third Monday of each month. Tour a variety of plant exhibits, meet and talk with Master Gardeners, and purchase perennials and herb plants available in the greenhouse. 8:30-11 a.m. July 19. Free. Genoa Friendship Gardens, 1201 Genoa Red Bluff. For more info: hcmga.tamu.edu
CANNING 101: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will present a hands-on class where participants learn the basics of food preservation safety and supplies needed for home canning. They will leave with a canned item to take home. Presented by Brazoria County AgriLife Extension. 6 p.m. July 19. $20. Register at brazoria.agrilife.org.
FALL VEGETABLE GARDENING: Harris County Master Gardeners will present an online lecture. Attendees will learn how to prepare your garden, prep the soil, use fertilizer, and discover which vegetable are best to grow for the fall season. Presented by the Harris County Public Library and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension via Facebook Live. 11 a.m. July 19. Free. No registration required. Visit harris.agrilife.org for link.
BUILD AN HERB GARDEN: Mercer Botanic Gardens will present a hands-on class for children and teens ages 6 to 17. Children younger than 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Participants will plant basil, cilantro, dill and fennel seeds in a miniature take-home greenhouse. One kit per child. Multiple start times. July 20. Register at pct3.com/MBG.
CULTIVATING SCHOOL GARDENS: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will present a full day virtual gardening conference for school gardens, community gardens, or anyone wanting to learn more about maintaining a collaborative garden. Topics covered: layout design, soil, seeds, spring and fall vegetable gardening, irrigation, beneficial insects, maintenance, volunteer support, funding, health and wellness, and curriculum. 8 a.m. July 20. $30. Register at tx.ag/CSGC22Reg.
Brandi Keller is a Harris County Horticulture Agent with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
Instead of shutting down the program immediately, they let it fade away over the course of a year. A tidal wave of applicants has now rushed to seek billions of additional dollars in last-minute tax breaks.
By Eric Dexheimer and Mike Morris
source https://4awesome.streamstorecloud.com/hold-off-on-fertilizing-and-pruning-during-drought-houston-chronicle/?feed_id=414&_unique_id=62e01e610b997
Q: A friend thinks she should fertilize shrubs now to help them out in the drought and heat conditions. Is this advised?
A: Do not fertilize shrubs or trees right now. It will do more harm than good.
Fertilizers are soluble salt compounds that are used to improve plant growth or fix a nutrient deficiency by adding one or more essential nutrients to the soil. However, plants need water to dissolve these nutrients before they can take them up. Without water, fertilizer salts build up in the soil and can lead to burned roots and/or leaves. This will only add another layer of stress.
During normal precipitation times, fertilizer should not be applied to mature shrubs and trees, unless a soil test states there is a deficiency.
If drought stress is observed, give supplemental water — but not the type of watering where you stand there and spray your hose at it for a couple of minutes until you get bored. If you do not have drip irrigation, provide a slower, deeper watering with a trickling hose lying under the shrub for 10-20 minutes. If the water runs off right away, the water stream is too high.
The only exceptions to this fertilizer advice are annuals and perennials that get adequate water from drip irrigation or watering by hand.
Reduce weeds, since they are competing for water, and avoid applying herbicides and pesticides.
Q: I read that I should not prune trees during the drought. What if there are issues that need to be addressed for hurricane season? I’ve consulted with an arborist to prune this month.
A: Courtney Blevins, Texas A&M Forest Service Urban Forester, says: “What you’re trying to do is reduce stress to the tree, so pruning, even when you have to, is adding stress because you are wounding the tree. If you’re pruning out live branches or live leaf areas of the tree, you’re removing food and the site where the tree’s root growth hormone is developed, affecting root growth and further stressing the tree at a time where it’s already too stressed.”
The exception is if the limbs and branches in question are dead or a hazard, then do what you must.
Since you have consulted with an arborist, they will be aware of the risks. It could be a two-phase pruning where the bare minimum is removed now and more removed later in the year, when rain and cooler temperatures return. If drought conditions persist, monitor the pruned tree and add supplemental water.
Garden calendar
OPEN GARDEN DAY: Harris County Master Gardeners host Open Garden Day the third Monday of each month. Tour a variety of plant exhibits, meet and talk with Master Gardeners, and purchase perennials and herb plants available in the greenhouse. 8:30-11 a.m. July 19. Free. Genoa Friendship Gardens, 1201 Genoa Red Bluff. For more info: hcmga.tamu.edu
CANNING 101: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will present a hands-on class where participants learn the basics of food preservation safety and supplies needed for home canning. They will leave with a canned item to take home. Presented by Brazoria County AgriLife Extension. 6 p.m. July 19. $20. Register at brazoria.agrilife.org.
FALL VEGETABLE GARDENING: Harris County Master Gardeners will present an online lecture. Attendees will learn how to prepare your garden, prep the soil, use fertilizer, and discover which vegetable are best to grow for the fall season. Presented by the Harris County Public Library and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension via Facebook Live. 11 a.m. July 19. Free. No registration required. Visit harris.agrilife.org for link.
BUILD AN HERB GARDEN: Mercer Botanic Gardens will present a hands-on class for children and teens ages 6 to 17. Children younger than 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Participants will plant basil, cilantro, dill and fennel seeds in a miniature take-home greenhouse. One kit per child. Multiple start times. July 20. Register at pct3.com/MBG.
CULTIVATING SCHOOL GARDENS: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will present a full day virtual gardening conference for school gardens, community gardens, or anyone wanting to learn more about maintaining a collaborative garden. Topics covered: layout design, soil, seeds, spring and fall vegetable gardening, irrigation, beneficial insects, maintenance, volunteer support, funding, health and wellness, and curriculum. 8 a.m. July 20. $30. Register at tx.ag/CSGC22Reg.
Brandi Keller is a Harris County Horticulture Agent with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
Instead of shutting down the program immediately, they let it fade away over the course of a year. A tidal wave of applicants has now rushed to seek billions of additional dollars in last-minute tax breaks.
By Eric Dexheimer and Mike Morris
source https://4awesome.streamstorecloud.com/hold-off-on-fertilizing-and-pruning-during-drought-houston-chronicle/?feed_id=414&_unique_id=62e01e610b997
Monday, July 25, 2022
Attracting pollinators to your yard: Garden Guy - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
FOX 9 Garden Guy Dale K offers tips to help attract pollinators to your Minnesota yard. There are some key ways you can do this in the garden, from the plants you choose to the habitat you offer.
(FOX 9) - From what you plant to the habitat you create, there are a few simple ways to attract bees and butterflies to your yard.
Pollinators are an important factor in growing vegetables, fruits and other plants in your home garden, as well as in global food production. FOX 9's Garden Guy Dale K has some tips for attracting them to your yard.
To create a welcoming habitat for a variety of pollinators, you should include water, such as a bird bath, in your yard. You can also purchase pollinator homes at your local garden store. And in early spring, it's important to leave that early lawn decay alone because it serves as a home for pollinators over the winter months.
There are also different plants you can incorporate into your yard. There's a honeybee mix that you seed like any other grass seed and includes thyme and clover, which bees love. You can also plant a variety of perennials that are pollinator-friendly, as well as many herb flowers, such as oregano, which help attract pollinators.
Watch the video above for more, and check out Dale K's other gardening tips here.
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source https://1home.streamstorecloud.com/attracting-pollinators-to-your-yard-garden-guy-fox-9-minneapolis-st-paul/?feed_id=399&_unique_id=62df09adddf5f
(FOX 9) - From what you plant to the habitat you create, there are a few simple ways to attract bees and butterflies to your yard.
Pollinators are an important factor in growing vegetables, fruits and other plants in your home garden, as well as in global food production. FOX 9's Garden Guy Dale K has some tips for attracting them to your yard.
To create a welcoming habitat for a variety of pollinators, you should include water, such as a bird bath, in your yard. You can also purchase pollinator homes at your local garden store. And in early spring, it's important to leave that early lawn decay alone because it serves as a home for pollinators over the winter months.
There are also different plants you can incorporate into your yard. There's a honeybee mix that you seed like any other grass seed and includes thyme and clover, which bees love. You can also plant a variety of perennials that are pollinator-friendly, as well as many herb flowers, such as oregano, which help attract pollinators.
Watch the video above for more, and check out Dale K's other gardening tips here.
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This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. ©2022 FOX Television Stations
source https://1home.streamstorecloud.com/attracting-pollinators-to-your-yard-garden-guy-fox-9-minneapolis-st-paul/?feed_id=399&_unique_id=62df09adddf5f
If There Are Only 4 Waterfall Hikes You Take In Florida, Make Them These - Only In Your State
Interestingly enough, the Sunshine State is not widely known for its waterfalls, being that it is a fairly flat state. It is, of course, famous for its ocean vistas and some of the best fun in the sun you can find. For something a little bit more novel, let’s do a deep dive into the waterfalls of Florida. These featured waterfall hikes are relatively short, but don’t let that deter you, as these hikes pack quite a punch just the same – unique beauty abounds. If there are only four waterfall hikes you take in Florida, make them these.
Don’t go chasing waterfalls? In this particular case, we would like to suggest that you literally do just that! Even if they are not the tallest of falls to be found, Florida offers a few downright fascinating waterfalls. After enjoying the beautiful beaches and soaking up that Florida sun, you’ll be ready to add a little adventure to your week with one of these waterfall hikes, if not all of them.
What is your favorite waterfall in Florida? Share your thoughts with us!
Read our other articles to learn even more about Falling Waters State Park, Rainbow Springs State Park and Devil’s Millhopper Geological State Park.
source https://4awesome.streamstorecloud.com/if-there-are-only-4-waterfall-hikes-you-take-in-florida-make-them-these-only-in-your-state/?feed_id=391&_unique_id=62deccc5b063c
Don’t go chasing waterfalls? In this particular case, we would like to suggest that you literally do just that! Even if they are not the tallest of falls to be found, Florida offers a few downright fascinating waterfalls. After enjoying the beautiful beaches and soaking up that Florida sun, you’ll be ready to add a little adventure to your week with one of these waterfall hikes, if not all of them.
What is your favorite waterfall in Florida? Share your thoughts with us!
Read our other articles to learn even more about Falling Waters State Park, Rainbow Springs State Park and Devil’s Millhopper Geological State Park.
source https://4awesome.streamstorecloud.com/if-there-are-only-4-waterfall-hikes-you-take-in-florida-make-them-these-only-in-your-state/?feed_id=391&_unique_id=62deccc5b063c
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Gadgets Were Hot. Now They’re Not. - The New York Times
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Not long ago, it seemed impossible to find a laptop. The pandemic has upended that, too.
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By Shira Ovide
A lot of companies have been caught off guard by changes in our spending choices this year. Americans eager to travel and party after two years of staying largely at home are gorging on plane tickets and fancier clothes — and ignoring the patio furniture and soft pants that we splurged on in 2020.
Consumer electronics may be the flaming center of Americans’ flip-flopping shopping habits. Gadget buying has suddenly switched from hot to not, a change that will most likely bring pain and confusion for many companies — and potentially some great deals for people who still want to buy electronics.
In the early months of the pandemic, many of us were so eager to buy internet routers, laptops, video game consoles and other tech gear to keep us productive and cozy from home that some products were impossible to find. However, experts cautioned that people would inevitably pull back on buying some types of gadgets until they needed them again.
The magnitude of change after two flush years of gadget purchases has surprised many people. From January through May, electronics and appliance stores make up the only retail category for which sales fell compared with the same five months of 2021, the Commerce Department disclosed last week. Best Buy said last month that purchases at its stores dropped across the board, especially for computers and home entertainment, and are likely to stay meh. And the research firm IDC expects global smartphone sales to decline this year, most sharply in China.
What’s bad for electronics manufacturers and stores could be good for us, but value hunters will need to be careful. Nathan Burrow, who writes about shopping deals for Wirecutter, the product recommendation service from The New York Times, told me that prices for some electronics are already being discounted. But a sale when inflation is at a 40-year high in the U.S. may not always be a good deal. A discounted product might still cost more than similar models a few years ago, Burrow said.
The whipsaw in shopping habits has led Walmart, Target, Gap and some other retail chains to be stuck with too much of the wrong kinds of products. That’s true about some types of electronics, too, which means that more price chopping is likely during summer shopping “holidays” from Amazon, Target, Best Buy and Walmart.
Burrow predicts significant price breaks are coming for tablets, internet networking equipment, Amazon devices and some laptops including Chromebooks.
The research firm NPD Group said this year that consumer electronic sales would most likely decline in 2022 and again in 2023 and 2024 — but two previous bonkers years of electronics sales would still leave overall sales higher than they were in 2019. Despite the overall higher sales, this phenomenon of electronics sales unexpectedly going through the roof and then suddenly sinking is disorienting for gadget makers and sellers.
“It’s the unpredictability that makes everything worse,” said Jitesh Ubrani, a research manager at IDC.
Making long-term predictions is tough for manufacturers, retailers and buyers of electronics. Some executives have said that global shipping and the availability of essential components like computer chips may never be 2019 normal. Select electronics like super-low-priced TVs and laptops could be gone for good as manufacturers and retailers became hooked on higher profits from pricier products.
In the electronics industry, experts told me that there were conversations about how to do things differently to prepare for potential future crises, including by spreading more gadget manufacturing to countries other than China. It’s not clear how our spending may shift again in response to inflation, the government’s efforts to cool off climbing prices or a potential recession.
For a while, people in rich countries grew accustomed to a steady stream of cheap and abundant electronics, furniture, clothes and other goods thanks to interconnected global factories and shipping. The pandemic and the wackiness it set off in supply chains have made some economists and executives rethink the status quo.
It’s possible that the ups-and-downs of electronics sales since 2020 will sort themselves out in a couple of years. Or perhaps consumer electronics are a microcosm of a world changed by the pandemic that may never quite be the same again.
Microsoft will remove features that claim to identify a person’s age, gender and emotional state from its facial recognition technology. My colleague Kashmir Hill reported that this decision was part of a broader effort at the company and elsewhere in the tech industry to use artificial intelligence software more responsibly.
A rural California town is divided on Amazon package delivery by drones: “I don’t want drones flying around my house — we live in the country,” one resident of Lockeford, Calif., told The Washington Post. (A subscription may be required.)
Related from On Tech last week: Where are the delivery drones?
Is Google Search not what it used to be? The Atlantic looks at the shreds of truth — including ruthless commercialization — behind the feeling that web search is becoming less useful. (A subscription may be required.)
You must read my colleague Sarah Lyall’s article about Wasabi, the semiretired champion Pekingese who doesn’t play fetch, run fast or do anything much besides enjoy his life.
We want to hear from you. Tell us what you think of this newsletter and what else you’d like us to explore. You can reach us at ontech@nytimes.com.
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source https://1home.streamstorecloud.com/gadgets-were-hot-now-theyre-not-the-new-york-times/?feed_id=376&_unique_id=62ddb810ea703
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Not long ago, it seemed impossible to find a laptop. The pandemic has upended that, too.
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By Shira Ovide
A lot of companies have been caught off guard by changes in our spending choices this year. Americans eager to travel and party after two years of staying largely at home are gorging on plane tickets and fancier clothes — and ignoring the patio furniture and soft pants that we splurged on in 2020.
Consumer electronics may be the flaming center of Americans’ flip-flopping shopping habits. Gadget buying has suddenly switched from hot to not, a change that will most likely bring pain and confusion for many companies — and potentially some great deals for people who still want to buy electronics.
In the early months of the pandemic, many of us were so eager to buy internet routers, laptops, video game consoles and other tech gear to keep us productive and cozy from home that some products were impossible to find. However, experts cautioned that people would inevitably pull back on buying some types of gadgets until they needed them again.
The magnitude of change after two flush years of gadget purchases has surprised many people. From January through May, electronics and appliance stores make up the only retail category for which sales fell compared with the same five months of 2021, the Commerce Department disclosed last week. Best Buy said last month that purchases at its stores dropped across the board, especially for computers and home entertainment, and are likely to stay meh. And the research firm IDC expects global smartphone sales to decline this year, most sharply in China.
What’s bad for electronics manufacturers and stores could be good for us, but value hunters will need to be careful. Nathan Burrow, who writes about shopping deals for Wirecutter, the product recommendation service from The New York Times, told me that prices for some electronics are already being discounted. But a sale when inflation is at a 40-year high in the U.S. may not always be a good deal. A discounted product might still cost more than similar models a few years ago, Burrow said.
The whipsaw in shopping habits has led Walmart, Target, Gap and some other retail chains to be stuck with too much of the wrong kinds of products. That’s true about some types of electronics, too, which means that more price chopping is likely during summer shopping “holidays” from Amazon, Target, Best Buy and Walmart.
Burrow predicts significant price breaks are coming for tablets, internet networking equipment, Amazon devices and some laptops including Chromebooks.
The research firm NPD Group said this year that consumer electronic sales would most likely decline in 2022 and again in 2023 and 2024 — but two previous bonkers years of electronics sales would still leave overall sales higher than they were in 2019. Despite the overall higher sales, this phenomenon of electronics sales unexpectedly going through the roof and then suddenly sinking is disorienting for gadget makers and sellers.
“It’s the unpredictability that makes everything worse,” said Jitesh Ubrani, a research manager at IDC.
Making long-term predictions is tough for manufacturers, retailers and buyers of electronics. Some executives have said that global shipping and the availability of essential components like computer chips may never be 2019 normal. Select electronics like super-low-priced TVs and laptops could be gone for good as manufacturers and retailers became hooked on higher profits from pricier products.
In the electronics industry, experts told me that there were conversations about how to do things differently to prepare for potential future crises, including by spreading more gadget manufacturing to countries other than China. It’s not clear how our spending may shift again in response to inflation, the government’s efforts to cool off climbing prices or a potential recession.
For a while, people in rich countries grew accustomed to a steady stream of cheap and abundant electronics, furniture, clothes and other goods thanks to interconnected global factories and shipping. The pandemic and the wackiness it set off in supply chains have made some economists and executives rethink the status quo.
It’s possible that the ups-and-downs of electronics sales since 2020 will sort themselves out in a couple of years. Or perhaps consumer electronics are a microcosm of a world changed by the pandemic that may never quite be the same again.
Microsoft will remove features that claim to identify a person’s age, gender and emotional state from its facial recognition technology. My colleague Kashmir Hill reported that this decision was part of a broader effort at the company and elsewhere in the tech industry to use artificial intelligence software more responsibly.
A rural California town is divided on Amazon package delivery by drones: “I don’t want drones flying around my house — we live in the country,” one resident of Lockeford, Calif., told The Washington Post. (A subscription may be required.)
Related from On Tech last week: Where are the delivery drones?
Is Google Search not what it used to be? The Atlantic looks at the shreds of truth — including ruthless commercialization — behind the feeling that web search is becoming less useful. (A subscription may be required.)
You must read my colleague Sarah Lyall’s article about Wasabi, the semiretired champion Pekingese who doesn’t play fetch, run fast or do anything much besides enjoy his life.
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source https://1home.streamstorecloud.com/gadgets-were-hot-now-theyre-not-the-new-york-times/?feed_id=376&_unique_id=62ddb810ea703
Remembering New Bedford's 1985-86 Fishing Strike - wbsm.com
“You fishermen over the years have been screwed royally," said then-New Bedford City Councilor David P. Williford to a raucous crowd of union fishermen. “But you got sometimes nobody to blame but yourself because you never stuck together. You never had a leader. Well you got one now, and if you don’t stick together this time, you better hang it up.”
It’s difficult to imagine America’s top fishing port slowing down for a moment, but in late 1985 the once-unionized seafaring workforce of New Bedford brought operations to a screeching halt when they went on a strike. Then-Mayor John Bullard said at the time that stoppage was costing the industry roughly $1 million per day.
According to the New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center, which keeps detailed records of the strike digitally and as part of an in-person exhibit at their downtown location, the three key reasons for the strike were: how to divide proceeds of catch; the fate of the $13 million pension fund for fishermen; and how crewmen could be hired.
The union picketed the docks and around the Wharfinger Building where the City-sponsored seafood auction was held. The demonstrations sometimes escalated into violence as boats that tried to leave the port were bombarded with rocks, boat owners' car tires were slashed, and wires were pulled from the electrical box at the Wharfinger Building.
Fishing strikes in New Bedford were not a novel concept at the time. Unions had went on strike successfully in 1967 and 1973 and had resulted in fishermen getting better wages and working conditions.
Approximately six weeks after the 1986 strike, however, with the backdrop of corporations being empowered by the anti-union crusade of the Reagan Administration, a previously unsuccessful strike in 1981, and cultural distinctions in the fishing community creating barriers to their ability to coalesce, Councilor Williford’s warnings became a premonition.
Fleets of vessels crewed with non-union fishermen embarked on trips out of New Bedford Harbor, which devastated fishermen solidarity and effectively ended the unionization of local fishermen at the Port of New Bedford. The unions were not awarded new contracts.
Though strike has faded from public memory, a recent and devastating report by New Bedford Light and Pro Publica detailing how foreign companies are capitalizing on the industry at the expense of local working class fishermen, as well as the ongoing dispute around scallop-leasing, highlight the consequences of the successful union-busting efforts of the boat-owners nearly four decades ago.
While the large corporations on New Bedford’s shoreline enjoy record profits, the working-class members of the fishing community are unable to effectively demand their fair share without an organized collective bargaining force.
“When the union was there, you didn’t have a situation where people were complaining about working conditions or complaining about the wages or anything else," said labor attorney and former New Bedford Mayor Scott Lang in a recorded testimonial at the Fishing Heritage Center. “It was a good, well-known job. The idea that what American would ever work those jobs? Well the fact of the matter was that about seven hundred of them did. They were in the union and they loved the job.”
For more information on the 1986 strike and the history of organized labor of the local fishing industry, visit New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center’s in-person exhibit “More than a Job: Work and Community in New Bedford’s Fishing Industry” at their 38 Bethel Street location in downtown New Bedford.
source https://4awesome.streamstorecloud.com/remembering-new-bedfords-1985-86-fishing-strike-wbsm-com/?feed_id=356&_unique_id=62dd7b4a70938
It’s difficult to imagine America’s top fishing port slowing down for a moment, but in late 1985 the once-unionized seafaring workforce of New Bedford brought operations to a screeching halt when they went on a strike. Then-Mayor John Bullard said at the time that stoppage was costing the industry roughly $1 million per day.
According to the New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center, which keeps detailed records of the strike digitally and as part of an in-person exhibit at their downtown location, the three key reasons for the strike were: how to divide proceeds of catch; the fate of the $13 million pension fund for fishermen; and how crewmen could be hired.
The union picketed the docks and around the Wharfinger Building where the City-sponsored seafood auction was held. The demonstrations sometimes escalated into violence as boats that tried to leave the port were bombarded with rocks, boat owners' car tires were slashed, and wires were pulled from the electrical box at the Wharfinger Building.
Fishing strikes in New Bedford were not a novel concept at the time. Unions had went on strike successfully in 1967 and 1973 and had resulted in fishermen getting better wages and working conditions.
Approximately six weeks after the 1986 strike, however, with the backdrop of corporations being empowered by the anti-union crusade of the Reagan Administration, a previously unsuccessful strike in 1981, and cultural distinctions in the fishing community creating barriers to their ability to coalesce, Councilor Williford’s warnings became a premonition.
Fleets of vessels crewed with non-union fishermen embarked on trips out of New Bedford Harbor, which devastated fishermen solidarity and effectively ended the unionization of local fishermen at the Port of New Bedford. The unions were not awarded new contracts.
Though strike has faded from public memory, a recent and devastating report by New Bedford Light and Pro Publica detailing how foreign companies are capitalizing on the industry at the expense of local working class fishermen, as well as the ongoing dispute around scallop-leasing, highlight the consequences of the successful union-busting efforts of the boat-owners nearly four decades ago.
While the large corporations on New Bedford’s shoreline enjoy record profits, the working-class members of the fishing community are unable to effectively demand their fair share without an organized collective bargaining force.
“When the union was there, you didn’t have a situation where people were complaining about working conditions or complaining about the wages or anything else," said labor attorney and former New Bedford Mayor Scott Lang in a recorded testimonial at the Fishing Heritage Center. “It was a good, well-known job. The idea that what American would ever work those jobs? Well the fact of the matter was that about seven hundred of them did. They were in the union and they loved the job.”
For more information on the 1986 strike and the history of organized labor of the local fishing industry, visit New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center’s in-person exhibit “More than a Job: Work and Community in New Bedford’s Fishing Industry” at their 38 Bethel Street location in downtown New Bedford.
source https://4awesome.streamstorecloud.com/remembering-new-bedfords-1985-86-fishing-strike-wbsm-com/?feed_id=356&_unique_id=62dd7b4a70938
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