Showing posts with label ProductsServicesandEntrepreneurs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ProductsServicesandEntrepreneurs. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Popularity of Podcasting

[ad_1] What is Podcasting? The process of using the internet to make public broadcasting recordings accessible on a computer or mobile device for download is known as Podcasting A podcast is a serialized set of digital audio clips with spoken terms that a user can access on a work device for easy listening. An easy and efficient way for many podcast outlets to manage personal consumption database and playback is supported by streaming apps and podcasting networks. The podcast medium has become popular 15 years after Apple first offered 3,000+ songs on iTunes. Millions of Americans are reportedly subscribing to podcasts every week, up from 19 million in 2013. The range of possibilities podcast listeners have today is one reason for the rise. With over 54 million podcast episodes widely accessible worldwide, there are now over 1,000,000 successful podcasts. Due to the low-cost of entry, a record 192,000 new podcasts were released in the first ten months of 2020. A variety of major media firms have recently entered the industry in recognition of the success of podcasting. Joe Rogan just signed a huge, mult-million dollar deal all because of his podcast! The Growth of Podcasting in the Last Five Years For the past five years, I have attended the Podcast Movement Conference, the biggest annual podcasting event, and have seen the conference expand along with the industry, reaching 5,000 participants in 2020. With the shutdown and virtual podcasting events being held, I believe the podcast industry is going to grow exponentially this year! Podcasts are simply a compilation of audio files being made available digitally for other people to listen to at their convenience. Most podcasts are set up like a TV or radio program, with numerous "seasons" and episodes with special guests concentrating on various topics. Listeners can subscribe to particular podcasts, download and listen to new episodes whenever it is convenient for them. While podcasts have been in use for almost 20 years, think back to 2004 when the iPod minis of Apple were all the fashion, and the iTunes Music Store had just gone global. There has been a rise in listening in the last few years that has gained a lot of attention from business owners, celebrities, advertisers, and customers alike. Why People Are Listening to Podcast More Than Eve Before Let's take a closer look at six reasons why people listening to podcasts continues to increase: 1. It doesn't take much to get started. One of the things that makes podcasts so compelling for companies, especially companies with smaller or limited budgets, is the affordability to get started. These companies do not require a large investment for their podcast. For the individual, the same thing applies. You can probably use equipment you already have (computer, computer camera and microphone) to get started! For your first few episodes, something as easy as recording on a smartphone or tablet would work just fine. You do not need to type down anything you want to say, because podcasts are also very conversational. To help you remain on track, you can create an outline ahead of time, but much of the discussion will be nicely unscripted. This is especially true if you have a co-host or are conducting interviews. 2. Podcasts are also perfect for storytelling As a small business owner, your stories are what will help you to attract people to listen to your podcast and get them involved in your business. Your podcast can encourage them to choose your company over the competition. Hopefully, you're always searching for ways to share amazing stories, generate interest, send people to your website, or forum, engage on social media, and sign up to receive newsletters and email notifications about your business or services. Podcasts allow you to leverage more communication power as an audio-based medium than written words alone. Instead of reading the words and understanding them (or misinterpreting them) on their own, your listeners will be hearing your stories straight from the source. You tone of voice, your excitement, your seriousness - all of it - comes through the audio they hear! 3. Podcast are extremely convenient to absorb. Podcasts offer listeners the gift of multitasking rather than blog posts or videos, which demand someone's full attention. This is why, through their smartphones, laptops, or other mobile devices, most people who listen to podcasts listeners will do so while doing other things. As they are getting ready for work in the morning, on their commute to work, or preparing dinner, they are able to listen to podcasts. Video, on the other hand, requires people to concentrate on the video and not on other things. This is one of the major advantages of podcasting! Podcast listeners can easily integrate listening time into their everyday schedules, which is why statistics reveal six or more podcasts a week are consumed by one in five weekly podcast users. The Future of Podcast Is Looking Bright I am excited to see where podcasting will go next. Personally, as a podcaster, I really am encouraged by what I'm seeing right now. As Apple continues to invest heavily in podcasting, I think there will be many more big names in entering the podcasting sphere of influence. Despite the big names entering this market, you and I also have an equal opportunity to create our own programming and see it grow into something huge as well. [ad_2] Source by Robert Thibodeau

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Trimming The Tag End Of A Fishing Knot - How Short To Cut It


In fishing, as in life, there are consequences to your actions. If you are constantly finding that your fishing knots are coming undone, then you may be causing that to happen by cutting the tag end of your fishing knot too short. How short should it be? That's exactly what you're going to discover in this article.

Let's back up a little bit and first give some definitions.

When tying a fishing knot, the "Main Line" is the end of the line that connects to your fishing reel. So this is the bulk of your fishing line. You obviously don't cut this end of the line, or you will have cut the knot you just tied clean off your line.

The "Tag End" is the short end of the fishing line that is left over after you tie a knot.

Now you could just leave the tag end as long as it is after you tie your knot and forget about trimming it altogether to avoid mistakes. But unfortunately a tag end that is too long can cause a whole new set of problems. The extra line gives your knot additional weight, as well as cause unnecessary drag in the water that can alert fish to your presence.

So as you can see, leaving the tag end untrimmed is not recommended.

My suggestion then for the tag end goes back to the basic principles of tying a fishing knot:

Tie your knot with the correct number of wraps required for the type and weight of fishing line that you are using.

Ensure that you lubricate the knot well prior to tightening it down. Using soap, rather than saliva is recommended, as it will not eat away at your line. You should keep a small squeeze bottle of dish soap in your tackle box for this purpose.

Tighten your knot properly. Using a small pair of pliers can help you tighten the knot evenly and securely. I keep a pair on a retractable cord on my fishing vest for this very purpose.

If you tighten your knot securely it will not slip and you can leave a short tag. A tag end of 1/16" to 1/8" on a securely tied knot is sufficient.

So as you can see, you may in fact have an issue with your knot tying technique, rather than the length of your tag end, that is causing your knots to come undone. Tighten it down properly and your fishing knots will never slip again.

[ad_2] Source by Pete Nalleweg

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Friday, July 14, 2023

Writing Stand Up Comedy - Point of View


When writing stand up comedy, consider the point of view you use in your stand up act. Comedy writers who use different characters are completely into the character point of view and comedians who use observations use the narrator point of view. However, most comics tend to use a variety of all three points of view.

The following exercise can improve your success at writing stand up comedy because you will learn to utilize the three points of view through four different stages. In stage one, you will be you as yourself in an argument. In stage two, you will become the other person using the you as other character point of view in the argument. In stage three, you will argue back and forth between the other character and you. In stage four, you will use all three points of view for writing stand up comedy. In particular, you will use yourself as the narrator to set the scene and make remarks throughout while the you and other characters point of views are arguing back and forth.

As a setup for this exercise, here are some guidelines to follow:

• You must create an argument between you and another adult.

• The other adult needs to be someone you can personify because you will only be this other adult in stage two.

• You must argue standing face to face.

• Multiple problems need to be included so that the argument will last for three to four minutes.

To help ensure the success of this exercise and writing stand up comedy, base this argument on a real argument that you have had. You do not need to reenact the exact argument, rather use it as a beginning point to get you started. Have fun and let the argument become whatever you want it to. You can even use this as an opportunity to say all those things that you wish you had said before.

Just as a caution, try not to use a recent argument or one that is close to your heart. This exercise is meant as a tool for learning and writing stand up comedy, not to analyze your life.

Using these guidelines, choose your argument. Now that you have chosen your argument and understand the different roles, you can get started with the exercise. One more thing; you may want to have a pencil and paper handy for notes. Successfully writing stand up comedy depends on many factors and choosing an effective point of view is a crucial consideration.


Source by John Halas

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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Top 10 Small Business Bookkeeping Tips

[ad_1] These small business bookkeeping tips will help you get your books up to date and keep them that way in less time. They'll help you maintain financial control, and help you manage your working capital more effectively and securely.
  1. Before you contemplate recording any transactions in your ledgers, organize your paperwork in your files according to these bookkeeping basics. It will save you time, and time is money.
  2. Work out how much you earn in your business per hour. If the answer is more than what it will cost to hire a professional bookkeeper, then hire one. If not, then do the transaction processing yourself. Get a tax accountant to do your year end filing so you don't have to keep up with arbitrary government rule making, and miss out on tax allowances.
  3. When you've got your paperwork in order then consider how you're going to record your transactions. This could be in a traditional hand written ledger, or more likely using software. Understand your bookkeeping software requirements before you buy anything to prevent dissatisfaction.
  4. If you don't have much money for investing in financial software, then consider using open source accounting software.This can be obtained for little or no cost. Click the link above to learn the advantages and disadvantages of using open source.
  5. After you've decided what you're going to record your transactions in then follow these basic bookkeeping tips to make sure you record your transactions in the most efficient manner possible.
  6. Make sure all cash is accounted for by performing a bank reconciliation. Ensure the transactions that are recorded on your bank statements are recorded in your books, and the balance on your statement is in agreement with that in your books. Make sure that you know the amount of any uncleared and unpresented checks (cheques) which will explain any actual difference between the statement and the account on your ledger.
  7. Likewise, make sure all petty cash is accounted for by counting the cash in your cash box and agreeing it to your cash book.
  8. Perform routine counts on items you carry in stock, and ensure that what is recorded in your books agrees with the quantity you have on the shelf. This is an area where strict control pays dividends as unexplainable differences often occur usually due to sales 'samples', spoilage, quality defects, returns etc. This is an important area to get right as any differences will have to be reflected in the financial statements and usually affect the profit line directly.
  9. Keep a Fixed Assets register. While not a ledger in your books as such, a fixed assets register is essential to keep track of essential business equipment. This means the cost, the location the depreciation, the purchase date and the remaining life. The value of these assets are carried in your balance sheet. It can be surprising how, as you grow, things you thought you had have gone! Especially small high value technology.
  10. Follow these small business bookkeeping tips, but don't forget to use the information kept within your books intelligently. Working capital management is how you manage your daily, weekly, and monthly cash, debtors, supplier payments and inventory/stock control to keep you in business, and really make a difference to the bottom line (the profit line) of your business.
[ad_2] Source by PJ Germain

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

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